Illinois is among several state propane gas associations affiliated with the National Propane Gas Association (NPGA). Under the Plan Affiliation, which applies to ILPGA, intrastate marketer members who pay dues are automatically members of NPGA.  The NPGA portion on the dues invoice you receive, when paid, is forwarded to NPGA.


Stay informed of legislation and outreach initiatives, governmental affairs including efforts of the Governmental Affairs Committee and the IPGA Lobbyist Marquardt & Company who monitor state legislature to keep informed of situations that arise concerning the propane industry.

Federal legislation and regulations are tracked through our affiliation with NPGA.   NPGA’s office alerts ILPGA when federal issues arise that are important to the propane industry.

Training & Education:

Safety, training and education are the primary focus of ILPGA.  Our goal is to provide the highest quality of training to make the Illinois propane industry the safest in the country.

ILPGA keeps members up-to-date with education and training requirements through District Meeting, Certified Employee Training Program (CETP) classes, and other specialized training classes.

ILPGA has secured continued IPERC funding for CETP, safety meeting and other safety & educational programs.  With this funding, these programs are provided at no cost to Illinois marketers who participate in the IPERC assessment program.

2024 IPGA Training Schedule
Fire Burn Training Information

Members have full access to ILPGA staff, who can help with technical questions, intervene with government officials, offer solution / resolutions with customers.

Fire Safety Analysis and Insurance Audit Preparation:

Our knowledgeable staff can assist over the phone or come to your office to help with site plans and insurance audit preparations.


College aged dependents of ILPGA members can apply each year for scholarships available exclusively for Illinois students through the NPGA Foundation. Visit for details

ILPGA Membership Logo / Certificate

As an ILPGA member, you receive the official membership certificate to place in your showroom or office.  This certificate shows that you company is concerned about safety, training and staying up to date on the issues that affect the Illinois propane industry.

We also send you an ILPGA window cling each year you retain your membership to place in your car / truck, office window or any window you wish people to see your membership affiliation.

Drug Testing Program:

In 1988, the Federal Highway Administration Controlled Substance Testing Regulations went into effect.  Since that time, HazMat personnel have been required to meet the drug and alcohol testing regulations.  IPGA offers a complete drug & alcohol testing program for its members.  In addition, IPGA provides the necessary paperwork and offers information to complete the required supervisory training to meet these regulations.

To become involved in the Illinois Propane Gas Association Drug & Alcohol Testing Consortium coordinated through the Mid-West Truckers Association, you need to:

  1. Be a current member of the Illinois Propane Gas Association.
  2. Call the IPGA at (800) 727-6207 and request the informational packet to get you started in the consortium program.

All Monthly Drug test notice sheets and drug test result certificates are sent via email from Renee Wynn at [email protected] providing faster results certification.

 We also have a drug & alcohol-free workplace testing Consortium.  If you are interested in implementing a workplace program for your employees that cannot be covered under their Dept. of Transportation CDL drug & alcohol testing program, contact our office at (800) 727-6207 or email [email protected] and we will supply you the necessary information to get started.

ILPGA Publications

The ILPGA keeps you informed through broadcast emails that are send when late-breaking news, updates, notifications or reminders need to be received as soon as possible.

The “Monthly E-Newsletter” is a great source for the latest information, updates on programs and calendar of events.

The Annual Directory is a great source of valuable information, frequently requested phone numbers, Governmental official names & phone numbers as well as the ILPGA Executive Directors and District Directors name & phone numbers.